The do notation

Lean is a pure functional programming language, but you can write effectful code using the do embedded domain specific language (DSL). The following simple program prints two strings "hello" and "world" in the standard output and terminates with exit code 0. Note that the type of the program is IO UInt32. You can read this type as the type of values that perform input-output effects and produce a value of type UInt32.

def main : IO UInt32 := do
  IO.println "hello"
  IO.println "world"
  return 0

The type of IO.println is String → IO Unit. That is, it is a function from String to IO Unit which indicates it may perform input-output effects and produce a value of type Unit. We often say that functions that may perform effects are methods. We also say a method application, such as IO.println "hello" is an action. Note that the examples above also demonstrates that braceless do blocks are whitespace sensitive. If you like ;s and curly braces, you can write the example above as

def main : IO UInt32 := do {
  IO.println "hello";
  IO.println "world";
  return 0;

Semicolons can be used even when curly braces are not used. They are particularly useful when you want to "pack" more than one action in a single line.

def main : IO UInt32 := do
  IO.println "hello"; IO.println "world"
  return 0

Whitespace sensitivity in programming languages is a controversial topic among programmers. You should use your own style. We, the Lean developers, love the braceless and semicolon-free style. We believe it is clean and beautiful.

The do DSL expands into the core Lean language. Let's inspect the different components using the commands #print and #check.

# def main : IO UInt32 := do
#  IO.println "hello"
#  IO.println "world"
#  return 0

#check IO.println "hello"
-- IO Unit
#print main
-- Output contains the infix operator `>>=` and `pure`
-- The following `set_option` disables notation such as `>>=` in the output
set_option pp.notation false in
#print main
-- Output contains `bind` and `pure`
#print bind
-- bind : {m : Type u → Type v} → [self : Bind m] → {α β : Type u} →
--        m α → (α → m β) → m β
#print pure
-- pure : {m : Type u → Type v} → [self : Pure m] → {α : Type u} →
--        α → m α

-- IO implements the type classes `Bind` and `Pure`.
#check (inferInstance : Bind IO)
#check (inferInstance : Pure IO)

The types of bind and pure may look daunting at first sight. They both have many implicit arguments. Let's focus first on the explicit arguments. bind has two explicit arguments m α and α → m β. The first one should be viewed as an action with effects m and producing a value of type α. The second is a function that takes a value of type α and produces an action with effects m and a value of type β. The result is m β. The method bind is composing these two actions. We often say bind is an abstract semicolon. The method pure converts a value α into an action that produces an action m α.

Here is the same function being defined using bind and pure without the do DSL.

def main : IO UInt32 :=
  bind (IO.println "hello") fun _ =>
  bind (IO.println "world") fun _ =>
  pure 0

The notations let x <- action1; action2 and let x ← action1; action2 are just syntax sugar for bind action1 fun x => action2. Here is a small example using it.

def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
  IO.println s!"value: {x}"
  return x > 0

def f (x : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  let c <- isGreaterThan0 x
  if c then
    IO.println s!"{x} is greater than 0"
    pure ()

#eval f 10
-- value: 10
-- 10 is greater than 0

Nested actions

Note that we cannot write if isGreaterThan0 x then ... else ... because the condition in a if-then-else is a pure value without effects, but isGreaterThan0 x has type IO Bool. You can use the nested action notation to avoid this annoyance. Here is an equivalent definition for f using a nested action.

# def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
#  IO.println s!"x: {x}"
#  return x > 0

def f (x : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  if (<- isGreaterThan0 x) then
    IO.println s!"{x} is greater than 0"
    pure ()

#print f

Lean "lifts" the nested actions and introduces the bind for us. Here is an example with two nested actions. Note that both actions are executed even if x = 0.

# def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
#  IO.println s!"x: {x}"
#  return x > 0

def f (x y : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  if (<- isGreaterThan0 x) && (<- isGreaterThan0 y) then
    IO.println s!"{x} and {y} are greater than 0"
    pure ()

#eval f 0 10
-- value: 0
-- value: 10

-- The function `f` above is equivalent to
def g (x y : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  let c1 <- isGreaterThan0 x
  let c2 <- isGreaterThan0 y
  if c1 && c2 then
    IO.println s!"{x} and {y} are greater than 0"
    pure ()

theorem fgEqual : f = g :=
  rfl -- proof by reflexivity

Here are two ways to achieve the short-circuit semantics in the example above

# def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
#  IO.println s!"x: {x}"
#  return x > 0

def f1 (x y : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  if (<- isGreaterThan0 x <&&> isGreaterThan0 y) then
    IO.println s!"{x} and {y} are greater than 0"
    pure ()

-- `<&&>` is the effectful version of `&&`
-- Given `x y : IO Bool`, `x <&&> y` : m Bool`
-- It only executes `y` if `x` returns `true`.

#eval f1 0 10
-- value: 0
#eval f1 1 10
-- value: 1
-- value: 10
-- 1 and 10 are greater than 0

def f2 (x y : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  if (<- isGreaterThan0 x) then
    if (<- isGreaterThan0 y) then
      IO.println s!"{x} and {y} are greater than 0"
      pure ()
    pure ()

if-then notation

In the do DSL, we can write if c then action as a shorthand for if c then action else pure (). Here is the method f2 using this shorthand.

# def isGreaterThan0 (x : Nat) : IO Bool := do
#  IO.println s!"x: {x}"
#  return x > 0

def f2 (x y : Nat) : IO Unit := do
  if (<- isGreaterThan0 x) then
    if (<- isGreaterThan0 y) then
      IO.println s!"{x} and {y} are greater than 0"


When writing effectful code, it is natural to think imperatively. For example, suppose we want to create an empty array xs, add 0 if some condition holds, add 1 if another condition holds, and then print it. In the following example, we use variable "shadowing" to simulate this kind of "update".

def f (b1 b2 : Bool) : IO Unit := do
  let xs := #[]
  let xs := if b1 then xs.push 0 else xs
  let xs := if b2 then xs.push 1 else xs
  IO.println xs

#eval f true true
-- #[0, 1]
#eval f false true
-- #[1]
#eval f true false
-- #[0]
#eval f false false
-- #[]

We can use tuples to simulate updates on multiple variables.

def f (b1 b2 : Bool) : IO Unit := do
  let xs := #[]
  let ys := #[]
  let (xs, ys) := if b1 then (xs.push 0, ys) else (xs, ys.push 0)
  let (xs, ys) := if b2 then (xs.push 1, ys) else (xs, ys.push 1)
  IO.println s!"xs: {xs}, ys: {ys}"

#eval f true false
-- xs: #[0], ys: #[1]

We can also simulate the control-flow above using join-points. A join-point is a let that is always tail called and fully applied. The Lean compiler implements them using gotos. Here is the same example using join-points.

def f (b1 b2 : Bool) : IO Unit := do
  let jp1 xs ys := IO.println s!"xs: {xs}, ys: {ys}"
  let jp2 xs ys := if b2 then jp1 (xs.push 1) ys else jp1 xs (ys.push 1)
  let xs := #[]
  let ys := #[]
  if b1 then jp2 (xs.push 0) ys else jp2 xs (ys.push 0)

#eval f true false
-- xs: #[0], ys: #[1]

You can capture complex control-flow using join-points. The do DSL offers the variable reassignment feature to make this kind of code more comfortable to write. In the following example, the mut modifier at let mut xs := #[] indicates that variable xs can be reassigned. The example contains two reassignments xs := xs.push 0 and xs := xs.push 1. The reassignments are compiled using join-points. There is no hidden state being updated.

def f (b1 b2 : Bool) : IO Unit := do
  let mut xs := #[]
  if b1 then xs := xs.push 0
  if b2 then xs := xs.push 1
  IO.println xs

#eval f true true
-- #[0, 1]

The notation x <- action reassigns x with the value produced by the action. It is equivalent to x := (<- action)


The do DSL provides a unified notation for iterating over datastructures. Here are a few examples.

def sum (xs : Array Nat) : IO Nat := do
  let mut s := 0
  for x in xs do
    IO.println s!"x: {x}"
    s := s + x
  return s

#eval sum #[1, 2, 3]
-- x: 1
-- x: 2
-- x: 3
-- 6

-- We can write pure code using the ` <| do` DSL too.
def sum' (xs : Array Nat) : Nat := <| do
  let mut s := 0
  for x in xs do
    s := s + x
  return s

#eval sum' #[1, 2, 3]
-- 6

def sumEven (xs : Array Nat) : IO Nat := do
  let mut s := 0
  for x in xs do
    if x % 2 == 0 then
      IO.println s!"x: {x}"
      s := s + x
  return s

#eval sumEven #[1, 2, 3, 6]
-- x: 2
-- x: 6
-- 8

def splitEvenOdd (xs : List Nat) : IO Unit := do
  let mut evens := #[]
  let mut odds  := #[]
  for x in xs do
    if x % 2 == 0 then
      evens := evens.push x
      odds := odds.push x
  IO.println s!"evens: {evens}, odds: {odds}"

#eval splitEvenOdd [1, 2, 3, 4]
-- evens: #[2, 4], odds: #[1, 3]

def findNatLessThan (x : Nat) (p : Nat → Bool) : IO Nat := do
  -- [:x] is notation for the range [0, x)
  for i in [:x] do
    if p i then
      return i -- `return` from the `do` block
  throw (IO.userError "value not found")

#eval findNatLessThan 10 (fun x => x > 5 && x % 4 == 0)
-- 8

def sumOddUpTo (xs : List Nat) (threshold : Nat) : IO Nat := do
  let mut s := 0
  for x in xs do
    if x % 2 == 0 then
      continue -- it behaves like the `continue` statement in imperative languages
    IO.println s!"x: {x}"
    s := s + x
    if s > threshold then
      break -- it behaves like the `break` statement in imperative languages
  IO.println s!"result: {s}"
  return s

#eval sumOddUpTo [2, 3, 4, 11, 20, 31, 41, 51, 107] 40
-- x: 3
-- x: 11
-- x: 31
-- result: 45
-- 45

TODO: describe forIn



Returning early from a failed match

Inside a do block, the pattern let _ ← <success> | <fail> will continue with the rest of the block if the match on the left hand side succeeds, but will execute the right hand side and exit the block on failure:

def showUserInfo (getUsername getFavoriteColor : IO (Option String)) : IO Unit := do
  let some n ← getUsername | IO.println "no username!"
  IO.println s!"username: {n}"
  let some c ← getFavoriteColor | IO.println "user didn't provide a favorite color!"
  IO.println s!"favorite color: {c}"

-- username: JohnDoe
-- favorite color: red
#eval showUserInfo (pure <| some "JohnDoe") (pure <| some "red")

-- no username
#eval showUserInfo (pure none) (pure <| some "purple")

-- username: JaneDoe
-- user didn't provide a favorite color
#eval showUserInfo (pure <| some "JaneDoe") (pure none)


Inside a do block, users can employ the if let pattern to destructure actions:

def tryIncrement (getInput : IO (Option Nat)) : IO (Except String Nat) := do
  if let some n ← getInput
  then return Except.ok n.succ
  else return Except.error "argument was `none`"

-- Except.ok 2
#eval tryIncrement (pure <| some 1)

-- Except.error "argument was `none`"
#eval tryIncrement (pure <| none)

Pattern matching












MonadLift and automatic lifting