Releasing a stable version

This checklist walks you through releasing a stable version. See below for the checklist for release candidates.

We'll use v4.6.0 as the intended release version as a running example.

  • One week before the planned release, ensure that someone has written the first draft of the release blog post
  • git checkout releases/v4.6.0 (This branch should already exist, from the release candidates.)
  • git pull
  • In src/CMakeLists.txt, verify you see
    • set(LEAN_VERSION_MINOR 6) (for whichever 6 is appropriate)
    • (both of these should already be in place from the release candidates)
  • It is possible that the v4.6.0 section of is out of sync between releases/v4.6.0 and master. This should be reconciled:
    • Run git diff master
    • You should expect to see additons on master in the v4.7.0-rc1 section; ignore these. (i.e. the new release notes for the upcoming release candidate).
    • Reconcile discrepancies in the v4.6.0 section, usually via copy and paste and a commit to releases/v4.6.0.
  • git tag v4.6.0
  • git push $REMOTE v4.6.0, where $REMOTE is the upstream Lean repository (e.g., origin, upstream)
  • Now wait, while CI runs.
    • You can monitor this at, looking for the v4.6.0 tag.
    • This step can take up to an hour.
    • If you are intending to cut the next release candidate on the same day, you may want to start on the release candidate checklist now.
  • Go to and verify that the v4.6.0 release appears.
    • Edit the release notes on Github to select the "Set as the latest release".
    • Copy and paste the Github release notes from the previous releases candidate for this version (e.g. v4.6.0-rc1), and quickly sanity check.
  • Next, we will move a curated list of downstream repos to the latest stable release.
    • For each of the repositories listed below:
      • Make a PR to master/main changing the toolchain to v4.6.0
        • Update the toolchain file
        • In the Lakefile, if there are dependencies on specific version tags of dependencies that you've already pushed as part of this process, update them to the new tag. If they depend on main or master, don't change this; you've just updated the dependency, so it will work and be saved in the manifest
        • Run lake update
        • The PR title should be "chore: bump toolchain to v4.6.0".
      • Merge the PR once CI completes.
      • Create the tag v4.6.0 from master/main and push it.
      • Merge the tag v4.6.0 into the stable branch and push it.
    • We do this for the repositories:
      • lean4checker
        • No dependencies
        • Toolchain bump PR
        • Create and push the tag
        • Merge the tag into stable
      • Batteries
        • No dependencies
        • Toolchain bump PR
        • Create and push the tag
        • Merge the tag into stable
      • ProofWidgets4
        • Dependencies: Batteries
        • Note on versions and branches:
          • ProofWidgets uses a sequential version tagging scheme, e.g. v0.0.29, which does not refer to the toolchain being used.
          • Make a new release in this sequence after merging the toolchain bump PR.
          • ProofWidgets does not maintain a stable branch.
        • Toolchain bump PR
        • Create and push the tag, following the version convention of the repository
      • Aesop
        • Dependencies: Batteries
        • Toolchain bump PR including updated Lake manifest
        • Create and push the tag
        • Merge the tag into stable
      • doc-gen4
        • Dependencies: exist, but they're not part of the release workflow
        • Toolchain bump PR including updated Lake manifest
        • Create and push the tag
        • There is no stable branch; skip this step
      • import-graph
        • Toolchain bump PR including updated Lake manifest
        • Create and push the tag
        • There is no stable branch; skip this step
      • Mathlib
        • Dependencies: Aesop, ProofWidgets4, lean4checker, Batteries, doc-gen4, import-graph
        • Toolchain bump PR notes:
          • In addition to updating the lean-toolchain and lakefile.lean, in .github/workflows/lean4checker.yml update the line git checkout v4.6.0 to the appropriate tag.
          • Push the PR branch to the main Mathlib repository rather than a fork, or CI may not work reliably
          • Create and push the tag
          • Create a new branch from the tag, push it, and open a pull request against stable. Coordinate with a Mathlib maintainer to get this merged.
      • REPL
        • Dependencies: Mathlib (for test code)
        • Note that there are two copies of lean-toolchain/lakefile.lean: in the root, and in test/Mathlib/. Edit both, and run lake update in both directories.
        • Toolchain bump PR including updated Lake manifest
        • Create and push the tag
        • Merge the tag into stable
  • Merge the release announcement PR for the Lean website - it will be deployed automatically
  • Finally, make an announcement! This should go in, with topic v4.6.0. Please see previous announcements for suggested language. You will want a few bullet points for main topics from the release notes. Link to the blog post from the Zulip announcement.
  • Make sure that whoever is handling social media knows the release is out.

Optimistic(?) time estimates:

  • Initial checks and push the tag: 30 minutes.
  • Note that if has discrepancies this could take longer!
  • Waiting for the release: 60 minutes.
  • Fixing release notes: 10 minutes.
  • Bumping toolchains in downstream repositories, up to creating the Mathlib PR: 30 minutes.
  • Waiting for Mathlib CI and bors: 120 minutes.
  • Finalizing Mathlib tags and stable branch, and updating REPL: 15 minutes.
  • Posting announcement and/or blog post: 20 minutes.

Creating a release candidate.

This checklist walks you through creating the first release candidate for a version of Lean.

We'll use v4.7.0-rc1 as the intended release version in this example.

  • Decide which nightly release you want to turn into a release candidate. We will use nightly-2024-02-29 in this example.
  • It is essential that Batteries and Mathlib already have reviewed branches compatible with this nightly.
    • Check that both Batteries and Mathlib's bump/v4.7.0 branch contain nightly-2024-02-29 in their lean-toolchain.
    • The steps required to reach that state are beyond the scope of this checklist, but see below!
  • Create the release branch from this nightly tag:
    git remote add nightly
    git fetch nightly tag nightly-2024-02-29
    git checkout nightly-2024-02-29
    git checkout -b releases/v4.7.0
  • In remove (development in progress) from the v4.7.0 section header.
  • Our current goal is to have written release notes only about major language features or breaking changes, and to rely on automatically generated release notes for bugfixes and minor changes.
    • Do not wait on being perfect before creating the release/v4.7.0 branch. It is essential to choose the nightly which will become the release candidate as early as possible, to avoid confusion.
    • If there are major changes not reflected in already, you may need to solicit help from the authors.
    • Minor changes and bug fixes do not need to be documented in they will be added automatically on the Github release page.
    • Commit your changes to, and push.
    • Remember that changes to after you have branched releases/v4.7.0 should also be cherry-picked back to master.
  • In src/CMakeLists.txt,
    • verify that you see set(LEAN_VERSION_MINOR 7) (for whichever 7 is appropriate); this should already have been updated when the development cycle began.
    • set(LEAN_VERSION_IS_RELEASE 1) (this should be a change; on master and nightly releases it is always 0).
    • Commit your changes to src/CMakeLists.txt, and push.
  • git tag v4.7.0-rc1
  • git push origin v4.7.0-rc1
  • Now wait, while CI runs.
    • You can monitor this at, looking for the v4.7.0-rc1 tag.
    • This step can take up to an hour.
  • Once the release appears at
    • Edit the release notes on Github to select the "Set as a pre-release box".
    • Copy the section of for this version into the Github release notes.
    • Use the title "Changes since v4.6.0 (from"
    • Then in the "previous tag" dropdown, select v4.6.0, and click "Generate release notes".
    • This will add a list of all the commits since the last stable version.
      • Delete anything already mentioned in the hand-written release notes above.
      • Delete "update stage0" commits, and anything with a completely inscrutable commit message.
      • Briefly rearrange the remaining items by category (e.g. simp, lake, bug fixes), but for minor items don't put any work in expanding on commit messages.
    • (How we want to release notes to look is evolving: please update this section if it looks wrong!)
  • Next, we will move a curated list of downstream repos to the release candidate.
    • This assumes that there is already a reviewed branch bump/v4.7.0 on each repository containing the required adaptations (or no adaptations are required). The preparation of this branch is beyond the scope of this document.
    • For each of the target repositories:
      • Checkout the bump/v4.7.0 branch.
      • Verify that the lean-toolchain is set to the nightly from which the release candidate was created.
      • git merge origin/master
      • Change the lean-toolchain to leanprover/lean4:v4.7.0-rc1
      • In lakefile.lean, change any dependencies which were using nightly-testing or bump/v4.7.0 branches back to master or main, and run lake update for those dependencies.
      • Run lake build to ensure that dependencies are found (but it's okay to stop it after a moment).
      • git commit
      • git push
      • Open a PR from bump/v4.7.0 to master, and either merge it yourself after CI, if appropriate, or notify the maintainers that it is ready to go.
      • Once this PR has been merged, tag master with v4.7.0-rc1 and push this tag.
    • We do this for the same list of repositories as for stable releases, see above. As above, there are dependencies between these, and so the process above is iterative. It greatly helps if you can merge the bump/v4.7.0 PRs yourself!
    • For Batteries/Aesop/Mathlib, which maintain a nightly-testing branch, make sure there is a tag nightly-testing-2024-02-29 with date corresponding to the nightly used for the release (create it if not), and then on the nightly-testing branch git reset --hard master, and force push.
  • Make an announcement! This should go in, with topic v4.7.0-rc1. Please see previous announcements for suggested language. You will want a few bullet points for main topics from the release notes. Please also make sure that whoever is handling social media knows the release is out.
  • Begin the next development cycle (i.e. for v4.8.0) on the Lean repository, by making a PR that:
    • Updates src/CMakeLists.txt to say set(LEAN_VERSION_MINOR 8)
    • Removes (in development) from the section heading in for v4.7.0, and creates a new v4.8.0 (in development) section heading.

Time estimates:

Slightly longer than the corresponding steps for a stable release. Similar process, but more things go wrong. In particular, updating the downstream repositories is significantly more work (because we need to merge existing bump/v4.7.0 branches, not just update a toolchain).

Preparing bump/v4.7.0 branches

While not part of the release process per se, this is a brief summary of the work that goes into updating Batteries/Aesop/Mathlib to new versions.

Please read

  • Each repo has an unreviewed nightly-testing branch that receives commits automatically from master, and has its toolchain updated automatically for every nightly. (Note: the aesop branch is not automated, and is updated on an as needed basis.) As a consequence this branch is often broken. A bot posts in the (private!) "Mathlib reviewers" stream on Zulip about the status of these branches.
  • We fix the breakages by committing directly to nightly-testing: there is no PR process.
    • This can either be done by the person managing this process directly, or by soliciting assistance from authors of files, or generally helpful people on Zulip!
  • Each repo has a bump/v4.7.0 which accumulates reviewed changes adapting to new versions.
  • Once nightly-testing is working on a given nightly, say nightly-2024-02-15, we:
    • Make sure bump/v4.7.0 is up to date with master (by merging master, no PR necessary)
    • Create from bump/v4.7.0 a bump/nightly-2024-02-15 branch.
    • In that branch, git merge --squash nightly-testing to bring across changes from nightly-testing.
    • Sanity check changes, commit, and make a PR to bump/v4.7.0 from the bump/nightly-2024-02-15 branch.
    • Solicit review, merge the PR into bump/v4,7,0.
  • It is always okay to merge in the following directions: master -> bump/v4.7.0 -> bump/nightly-2024-02-15 -> nightly-testing. Please remember to push any merges you make to intermediate steps!