2. 基础

介绍 Lean 中数学推理的基本要素:计算、应用引理和定理,以及对通用结构进行推理。

2.1. 计算

通常我们学习数学计算时并不将其视为证明。 但是,当我们像 Lean 要求的那样验证计算中的每一步时,最终的结果就是一个证明,我们在证明了算式的左侧等于右侧。

在 Lean 中,陈述一个定理等同于设立证明该定理的目标。Lean 提供了重写(rewrite)策略 rw,它会使用一个等式,rw目标 中找到符合等式左侧的部分,然后将这部分替换为等式右侧。例如: 如果 abc 是实数,那么 mul_assoc a b c 是等式 a * b * c = a * (b * c), 而 mul_comm a b 是等式 a * b = b * a。 你想运用这些等式时可以只引用它们的名字。 在 Lean 中,乘法左结合,因此 mul_assoc 的左侧也可以写成 (a * b) * c,但是没必要写括号就最好不写。

让我们尝试一下 rw

example (a b c : ) : a * b * c = b * (a * c) := by
  rw [mul_comm a b]
  rw [mul_assoc b a c]

教材源码里的 import 行从 Mathlib 中导入了实数理论,以及有用的自动化功能。为简洁计正文中省略,如果你想自己试着运行例子,你可以查询源码来了解。

字符通过 \R\real 输入,然后按下空格或 Tab 键。 当阅读 Lean 文件时,如果你将光标悬停在一个符号上,VS Code 将显示用于输入该符号的语法。 如果你想查看所有可用的缩写,可以按下 Ctrl-Shift-P,然后输入 abbreviations 来访问 Lean 4: Show all abbreviations 命令。 如果您的键盘上没有方便使用的反斜杠,可以通过更改 lean4.input.leader 设置来改变前导字符。

当光标位于策略证明的中间时,Lean 会在 Lean Infoview 窗口中报告当前的 证明状态 。 当你将光标移到证明的每一步时,你可以看到状态的变化。Lean 中的典型证明状态可能如下所示: .. code-block:

1 goal
x y : ,
h₁ : Prime x,
h₂ : ¬Even x,
h₃ : y > x
 y  4

前面的部分是当前位置处我们所拥有的对象和假设,称为 语境(context) 。 在这个例子中,语境包括两个对象,自然数 xy;包括三个假设,分别具有标识符 h₁h₂h₃ (下标用 \1\2 …… 键入)。 Lean 的语法要求在语境中每个假设都拥有一个名字,叫什么都可以,比如不下标的 h1 也可以(实际上这是类型论的要求,例如本例中 h₁ 这个”名字”其实标记着类型为命题 Prime x 的项。),或者 foobarbaz。 最后一行用 标记的代表 目标(goal) ,即要证明的事实。对于目标这个词,一些人有时人们使用 目的(target) 表示要证明的事实,使用 目标(goal) 表示语境和目的(target)的组合,不过在特定上下文中不致混淆。

接下来做一些练习!用 rw 策略替换掉下面的 sorry 。 为此再告诉你一个新技巧:你可以用左箭头 \l )来调转一个等式的方向,从而让 rw 从另一边做替换操作。例如,rw mul_assoc a b c 会把目标里的 a * (b * c) 替换成 a * b * c 。注意这里指的是 mul_assoc 等式的从右到左,它与目标的左边或右边无关。

example (a b c : ) : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by

example (a b c : ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by

你也可以不带参数使用诸如 mul_assoc 或者 mul_comm 这些等式。这些情况下重写策略会识别它在目标中匹配到的第一个模式。

example (a b c : ) : a * b * c = b * c * a := by
  rw [mul_assoc]
  rw [mul_comm]

你还可以只提供一部分参数,例如 mul_comm a 识别所有形如 a * ? 或者 ? * a 的模式。下面的练习中你可以试试在第一个里面不给参数,第二个里面只给一个参数。

example (a b c : ) : a * (b * c) = b * (c * a) := by

example (a b c : ) : a * (b * c) = b * (a * c) := by

你也可以 rw 局部语境里的条件:

example (a b c d e f : ) (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
  rw [h']
  rw [ mul_assoc]
  rw [h]
  rw [mul_assoc]

试试看: (第二个练习里面你可以使用定理 sub_selfsub_self a 代表等式 a - a = 0。)

example (a b c d e f : ) (h : b * c = e * f) : a * b * c * d = a * e * f * d := by

example (a b c d : ) (hyp : c = b * a - d) (hyp' : d = a * b) : c = 0 := by

现在我们介绍 Lean 的一些有用的特性. 首先,通过在方括号内列出相关等式,可以用一行重写执行多个命令。

example (a b c d e f : ) (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
  rw [h',  mul_assoc, h, mul_assoc]

将光标放在 rewrite 列表中的任意逗号后,仍然可以看到进度。

另一个技巧是我们可以在例子或定理之外一次性地声明变量. 当 Lean 在定理的陈述中看到它们时,它会自动将它们包含进来。

variable (a b c d e f : )

example (h : a * b = c * d) (h' : e = f) : a * (b * e) = c * (d * f) := by
  rw [h',  mul_assoc, h, mul_assoc]

检查上述证明开头的策略状态,可以发现 Lean 确实包含了相关变量,而忽略了声明中没有出现的 g。我们可以把声明的范围放在一个 section ... end 块中做成类似其他编程语言中局部变量的效果. 最后,回顾一下第一章,Lean为我们提供了一个命令来确定表达式的类型:

variable (a b c : )

#check a
#check a + b
#check (a : )
#check mul_comm a b
#check (mul_comm a b : a * b = b * a)
#check mul_assoc c a b
#check mul_comm a
#check mul_comm


#check 命令对对象和命题都有效。在响应命令 #check a 时,Lean 报告 a 的类型为 。作为对命令 #check mul_comm a b 的响应,Lean报告 mul_comm a b 是事实 a * b = b * a 的证明。命令 #check (a : ℝ) 表明我们期望 a 的类型是 ,如果不是这样,Lean 将引发一个错误。稍后我们将解释最后三个 #check 命令的输出,你可以尝试自己写一些 #check 命令。

我们再举几个例子。定理 two_mul a 表示 2 * a = a + a。定理 add_mulmul_add 表示乘法对加法的分配律,定理 add_assoc 表示加法的结合律。使用 #check 命令查看精确的语句。 .. index:: calc, tactics ; calc

example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
  rw [mul_add, add_mul, add_mul]
  rw [ add_assoc, add_assoc (a * a)]
  rw [mul_comm b a,  two_mul]

虽然可以通过在编辑器中逐步检查来弄清楚这个证明中发生了什么,但很难单独阅读。Lean 使用 calc 关键字提供了一种更结构化的方法来编写类似这样的证明。

example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b :=
    (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * a + (a * b + b * b) := by
      rw [mul_add, add_mul, add_mul]
    _ = a * a + (b * a + a * b) + b * b := by
      rw [ add_assoc, add_assoc (a * a)]
    _ = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by
      rw [mul_comm b a,  two_mul]

请注意,证明 by 开头:以 calc 开头的表达式是一个证明项。 calc 表达式也可以在策略证明块中使用,Lean将其解释为使用证明项的结果来解决当前目标的指令。calc 语法必须严格仿照上例格式使用下划线和对齐。Lean 使用缩进来确定策略块或 calc 块开始和结束的地方。试着改变上面证明中的缩进,看看会发生什么。

编写 calc 证明的一种方法是首先使用 sorry 策略填空,确保 Lean 认可中间步骤表达式,然后使用策略对各个步骤进行论证。

example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b :=
    (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + b * a + (a * b + b * b) := by
    _ = a * a + (b * a + a * b) + b * b := by
    _ = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by

试试用两种方法证明以下等式:只用 rw 和用更结构化的 calc

example : (a + b) * (c + d) = a * c + a * d + b * c + b * d := by


example (a b : ) : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by

#check pow_two a
#check mul_sub a b c
#check add_mul a b c
#check add_sub a b c
#check sub_sub a b c
#check add_zero a

我们还可以在语句集中的假设中执行重写。例如,rw [mul_comm a b] at hyp 将假设 hyp 中的 a * b 替换为 b * a

example (a b c d : ) (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
  rw [hyp'] at hyp
  rw [mul_comm d a] at hyp
  rw [ two_mul (a * d)] at hyp
  rw [ mul_assoc 2 a d] at hyp
  exact hyp

最后一步中 exact 策略使用 hyp 来解决目标的原理是,到此 hyp 不就是目标本身了吗!(Exactly!)

最后我们介绍一个 Mathlib 提供的强力自动化工具 ring 策略,它专门用来解决交换环中的等式,只要这些等式是完全由环公理导出的而不涉及别的假设。

example : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by

example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by

example : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by

example (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
  rw [hyp, hyp']

ring 策略通过 import Mathlib.Data.Real.Basic 导入,但下一节会看到它不止可以用在实数的计算上。它还可以通过 import Mathlib.Tactic 导入。对于其他常见的代数结构也有类似的策略。

rw 有一种叫做 nth_rewrite 的变体,如果目标中存在多处匹配,nth_rw 允许你指出想要实施替换的位置。匹配项从 1 开始计数,在下面的例子中 nth_rewrite 2 [h]c 替换了第二个 a + b

example (a b c : ) (h : a + b = c) : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * c + b * c := by
  nth_rw 2 [h]
  rw [add_mul]

2.2. 证明代数结构中的等式

数学中,环由一个对象集合 \(R\)、运算 \(+\) \(\times\)、常数 \(0\)\(1\)、求逆运算 \(x \mapsto -x\) 构成,并满足:

  • \(R\)\(+\) 构成阿贝尔群,\(0\) 是加法单位元,负数是逆。

  • \(1\) 是乘法单位元,乘法满足结合律和对加法的分配律。

在 Lean 中,一组对象被表示为类型 R。环公理如下:

variable (R : Type*) [Ring R]

#check (add_assoc :  a b c : R, a + b + c = a + (b + c))
#check (add_comm :  a b : R, a + b = b + a)
#check (zero_add :  a : R, 0 + a = a)
#check (neg_add_cancel :  a : R, -a + a = 0)
#check (mul_assoc :  a b c : R, a * b * c = a * (b * c))
#check (mul_one :  a : R, a * 1 = a)
#check (one_mul :  a : R, 1 * a = a)
#check (mul_add :  a b c : R, a * (b + c) = a * b + a * c)
#check (add_mul :  a b c : R, (a + b) * c = a * c + b * c)

一会儿再讲第一行的方括号是什么意思,现在你只需要知道我们声明了一个类型 RR 上的环结构。这样我们就可以表示一般的环中的元素并使用环的定理库。

前一节用过上面的一些定理,所以你应该感觉很熟悉。Lean 不止能在例如自然数和整数这样具体的数学结构上证明东西,也可以在环这样抽象的公理化的结构上证明东西。Lean 支持抽象和具体结构的通用推理,并且有能力识别符合公理的实例。任何关于环的定理都可以应用于具体的环,如整数 、有理数 、复数 ,和抽象的环,如任何有序环或任何域。

然而,并不是所有实数的重要性质在任意环中都成立。例如,实数乘法是可交换的,但一般情况下并不成立。例如实数矩阵构成的环的乘法通常不能交换。如果我们声明 R 是一个交换环 CommRing,那么上一节中的所有关于 的定理在 R 中仍然成立。

variable (R : Type*) [CommRing R]
variable (a b c d : R)

example : c * b * a = b * (a * c) := by ring

example : (a + b) * (a + b) = a * a + 2 * (a * b) + b * b := by ring

example : (a + b) * (a - b) = a ^ 2 - b ^ 2 := by ring

example (hyp : c = d * a + b) (hyp' : b = a * d) : c = 2 * a * d := by
  rw [hyp, hyp']

别的证明也都不需要变,你可以自己试试看。当证明很短时,比如你只用了一个 ring 或者 linarith 或者 sorry,你可以把它们写进 by 的同一行里。好的证明写手需要平衡简洁性和可读性。

本节里面我们会证明更多环定理,它们基本上都在 Mathlib 里面,看完这一节你会对 Mathlib 里面的东西更熟悉。同时这也是训练你的证明能力。

Lean 提供了类似于别的编程语言中的 “局域变量” 的变量名组织机制。通过命令 namespace bar 创建一个命名空间 bar 并引入定义或者定理 foo,你在命名空间外面引用它时全名为 bar.foo。命令 open bar 可以打开这个命名空间,此时你可以用短名字 foo。下面我们为了不与 Mathlib 中的定理名冲突,我们打开一个名为 MyRing 的命名空间。

下面的例子证明了 add_zeroadd_right_neg,所以它们不需要作为环公理。

namespace MyRing
variable {R : Type*} [Ring R]

theorem add_zero (a : R) : a + 0 = a := by rw [add_comm, zero_add]

theorem add_right_neg (a : R) : a + -a = 0 := by rw [add_comm, neg_add_cancel]

#check MyRing.add_zero
#check add_zero

end MyRing


(如果你仔细注意的话,你可能已经注意到我们把 (R: Type*) 中的圆括号改成了 {R: Type*} 中的花括号。这里声明 R 是一个**隐式参数(implicit argument)**。稍后会解释这意味着什么。)


theorem neg_add_cancel_left (a b : R) : -a + (a + b) = b := by
  rw [ add_assoc, neg_add_cancel, zero_add]


theorem add_neg_cancel_right (a b : R) : a + b + -b = a := by


theorem add_left_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = a + c) : b = c := by

theorem add_right_cancel {a b c : R} (h : a + b = c + b) : a = c := by

现在解释一下花括号的意思。假设你现在语句集里面拥有变量 abc 和一个假设 h : a + b = a + c,然后你想得到结论 b = c。在Lean中,定理可以应用于假设和事实,就像将它们应用于对象一样,因此你可能会认为 add_left_cancel a b c h 是事实 b = c 的证明。但其实明确地写出 a b c 是多余的,因为假设 h 的形式就限定了它们正是我们想使用的对象。现下输入几个额外的字符并不麻烦,但是更复杂的表达式中就会很繁琐。Lean 支持把参数标记为隐式,这意味着它们可以且应该被省略,能通过后面的的命题和假设中推断出来。{a b c: R} 中的花括号正是这种隐式参数标记。因此根据定理的表述,正确的表达式是 add_left_cancel h

下面演示个新玩意儿,让我们从环公理中证明 a * 0 = 0

theorem mul_zero (a : R) : a * 0 = 0 := by
  have h : a * 0 + a * 0 = a * 0 + 0 := by
    rw [ mul_add, add_zero, add_zero]
  rw [add_left_cancel h]

你通过 have 策略引入了一个辅助性新目标,a * 0 + a * 0 = a * 0 + 0,与原始目标具有相同的语境。这个目标下的“子证明”块需要缩进。证出这个子目标之后我们就多了一个新的命题 h ,可以用于证明原目标。这里我们看到 add_left_cancel h 的结果恰好就是原目标。

我们同样可以使用 apply add_left_cancel hexact add_left_cancel h 来结束证明。exact 策略将能够完整证明当前目标的证明项作为参数,而不创建任何新目标。apply 策略是一种变体,它的论证不一定是一个完整的证明。缺失的部分要么由 Lean 自动推断,要么成为需要证明的新目标。虽然 exact 策略在技术上是多余的,因为它严格来说不如 apply 强大,但它增加了可读性。


theorem zero_mul (a : R) : 0 * a = 0 := by


theorem neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : -a = b := by

theorem eq_neg_of_add_eq_zero {a b : R} (h : a + b = 0) : a = -b := by

theorem neg_zero : (-0 : R) = 0 := by
  apply neg_eq_of_add_eq_zero
  rw [add_zero]

theorem neg_neg (a : R) : - -a = a := by

我们必须在第三个定理中指定 (-0 : R), 因为 Lean 不知道我们想到的是哪个 0,默认情况下它是自然数。

在 Lean 中,环中减去一个元素等于加上它的加法逆元。

example (a b : R) : a - b = a + -b :=
  sub_eq_add_neg a b


example (a b : ) : a - b = a + -b :=

example (a b : ) : a - b = a + -b := by

rfl 是自反性(reflexivity)的缩写。第一个例子中当它作为 a - b = a + -b 的证明项,Lean 展开定义并验证两边是相同的。第二个例子中 rfl 策略也是如此。这是在 Lean 的基础逻辑中所谓的定义相等的一个例子。这意味着不仅可以用 sub_eq_add_neg 重写来替换 a - b = a + -b,而且在某些情况下,当处理实数时,您可以互换使用方程的两边。例如,您现在有足够的信息来证明上一节中的 self_sub 定理:

theorem self_sub (a : R) : a - a = 0 := by

你可以使用 rw 来证,不过如果不是任意环 R 而是实数的话,你也可以用 apply 或者 exact

Lean 知道 1 + 1 = 2 对任何环都成立。你可以用它来证明上一节中的定理 two_mul

theorem one_add_one_eq_two : 1 + 1 = (2 : R) := by

theorem two_mul (a : R) : 2 * a = a + a := by

上面的一些定理并不需要环结构甚至加法交换律,有 结构就够了,群公理是下面这些:

variable (A : Type*) [AddGroup A]

#check (add_assoc :  a b c : A, a + b + c = a + (b + c))
#check (zero_add :  a : A, 0 + a = a)
#check (neg_add_cancel :  a : A, -a + a = 0)

群运算可交换的话习惯上用加号(但是这只是习惯而已,AddGroup 并不真的可交换),否则用乘号。Lean 提供乘法版本 Group 和加法版本 AddGroup ,以及它们的可交换版本 CommGroupAddCommGroup

variable {G : Type*} [Group G]

#check (mul_assoc :  a b c : G, a * b * c = a * (b * c))
#check (one_mul :  a : G, 1 * a = a)
#check (inv_mul_cancel :  a : G, a⁻¹ * a = 1)


theorem mul_inv_cancel (a : G) : a * a⁻¹ = 1 := by

theorem mul_one (a : G) : a * 1 = a := by

theorem mul_inv_rev (a b : G) : (a * b)⁻¹ = b⁻¹ * a⁻¹ := by

一步一步用这些定理做证明非常麻烦,所以在这些代数结构上 Mathlib 提供了类似 ring 的策略:group 用于非交换的乘法群,abel 用于可交换加法群,noncomm_ring 用于非交换环。代数结构 RingCommRing 分别对应的自动化策略被称做 noncomm_ringring,这似乎很奇怪。这在一定程度上是由于历史原因,但也因为使用更短的名称来处理交换环的策略更方便,因为它使用得更频繁。

2.3. Using Theorems and Lemmas

Rewriting is great for proving equations, but what about other sorts of theorems? For example, how can we prove an inequality, like the fact that \(a + e^b \le a + e^c\) holds whenever \(b \le c\)? We have already seen that theorems can be applied to arguments and hypotheses, and that the apply and exact tactics can be used to solve goals. In this section, we will make good use of these tools.

Consider the library theorems le_refl and le_trans:

#check (le_refl :  a : , a  a)
#check (le_trans : a  b  b  c  a  c)

As we explain in more detail in Section 3.1, the implicit parentheses in the statement of le_trans associate to the right, so it should be interpreted as a b (b c a c). The library designers have set the arguments a, b and c to le_trans implicit, so that Lean will not let you provide them explicitly (unless you really insist, as we will discuss later). Rather, it expects to infer them from the context in which they are used. For example, when hypotheses h : a b and h' : b c are in the context, all the following work:

variable (h : a  b) (h' : b  c)

#check (le_refl :  a : Real, a  a)
#check (le_refl a : a  a)
#check (le_trans : a  b  b  c  a  c)
#check (le_trans h : b  c  a  c)
#check (le_trans h h' : a  c)

The apply tactic takes a proof of a general statement or implication, tries to match the conclusion with the current goal, and leaves the hypotheses, if any, as new goals. If the given proof matches the goal exactly (modulo definitional equality), you can use the exact tactic instead of apply. So, all of these work:

example (x y z : ) (h₀ : x  y) (h₁ : y  z) : x  z := by
  apply le_trans
  · apply h₀
  · apply h₁

example (x y z : ) (h₀ : x  y) (h₁ : y  z) : x  z := by
  apply le_trans h₀
  apply h₁

example (x y z : ) (h₀ : x  y) (h₁ : y  z) : x  z :=
  le_trans h₀ h₁

example (x : ) : x  x := by
  apply le_refl

example (x : ) : x  x :=
  le_refl x

In the first example, applying le_trans creates two goals, and we use the dots to indicate where the proof of each begins. The dots are optional, but they serve to focus the goal: within the block introduced by the dot, only one goal is visible, and it must be completed before the end of the block. Here we end the first block by starting a new one with another dot. We could just as well have decreased the indentation. In the fourth example and in the last example, we avoid going into tactic mode entirely: le_trans h₀ h₁ and le_refl x are the proof terms we need.

Here are a few more library theorems:

#check (le_refl :  a, a  a)
#check (le_trans : a  b  b  c  a  c)
#check (lt_of_le_of_lt : a  b  b < c  a < c)
#check (lt_of_lt_of_le : a < b  b  c  a < c)
#check (lt_trans : a < b  b < c  a < c)

Use them together with apply and exact to prove the following:

example (h₀ : a  b) (h₁ : b < c) (h₂ : c  d) (h₃ : d < e) : a < e := by

In fact, Lean has a tactic that does this sort of thing automatically:

example (h₀ : a  b) (h₁ : b < c) (h₂ : c  d) (h₃ : d < e) : a < e := by

The linarith tactic is designed to handle linear arithmetic.

example (h : 2 * a  3 * b) (h' : 1  a) (h'' : d = 2) : d + a  5 * b := by

In addition to equations and inequalities in the context, linarith will use additional inequalities that you pass as arguments. In the next example, exp_le_exp.mpr h' is a proof of exp b exp c, as we will explain in a moment. Notice that, in Lean, we write f x to denote the application of a function f to the argument x, exactly the same way we write h x to denote the result of applying a fact or theorem h to the argument x. Parentheses are only needed for compound arguments, as in f (x + y). Without the parentheses, f x + y would be parsed as (f x) + y.

example (h : 1  a) (h' : b  c) : 2 + a + exp b  3 * a + exp c := by
  linarith [exp_le_exp.mpr h']

Here are some more theorems in the library that can be used to establish inequalities on the real numbers.

#check (exp_le_exp : exp a  exp b  a  b)
#check (exp_lt_exp : exp a < exp b  a < b)
#check (log_le_log : 0 < a  a  b  log a  log b)
#check (log_lt_log : 0 < a  a < b  log a < log b)
#check (add_le_add : a  b  c  d  a + c  b + d)
#check (add_le_add_left : a  b   c, c + a  c + b)
#check (add_le_add_right : a  b   c, a + c  b + c)
#check (add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt : a  b  c < d  a + c < b + d)
#check (add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le : a < b  c  d  a + c < b + d)
#check (add_lt_add_left : a < b   c, c + a < c + b)
#check (add_lt_add_right : a < b   c, a + c < b + c)
#check (add_nonneg : 0  a  0  b  0  a + b)
#check (add_pos : 0 < a  0 < b  0 < a + b)
#check (add_pos_of_pos_of_nonneg : 0 < a  0  b  0 < a + b)
#check (exp_pos :  a, 0 < exp a)
#check add_le_add_left

Some of the theorems, exp_le_exp, exp_lt_exp use a bi-implication, which represents the phrase “if and only if.” (You can type it in VS Code with \lr of \iff). We will discuss this connective in greater detail in the next chapter. Such a theorem can be used with rw to rewrite a goal to an equivalent one:

example (h : a  b) : exp a  exp b := by
  rw [exp_le_exp]
  exact h

In this section, however, we will use the fact that if h : A B is such an equivalence, then h.mp establishes the forward direction, A B, and h.mpr establishes the reverse direction, B A. Here, mp stands for “modus ponens” and mpr stands for “modus ponens reverse.” You can also use h.1 and h.2 for h.mp and h.mpr, respectively, if you prefer. Thus the following proof works:

example (h₀ : a  b) (h₁ : c < d) : a + exp c + e < b + exp d + e := by
  apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le
  · apply add_lt_add_of_le_of_lt h₀
    apply exp_lt_exp.mpr h₁
  apply le_refl

The first line, apply add_lt_add_of_lt_of_le, creates two goals, and once again we use a dot to separate the proof of the first from the proof of the second.

Try the following examples on your own. The example in the middle shows you that the norm_num tactic can be used to solve concrete numeric goals.

example (h₀ : d  e) : c + exp (a + d)  c + exp (a + e) := by sorry

example : (0 : ) < 1 := by norm_num

example (h : a  b) : log (1 + exp a)  log (1 + exp b) := by
  have h₀ : 0 < 1 + exp a := by sorry
  apply log_le_log h₀

From these examples, it should be clear that being able to find the library theorems you need constitutes an important part of formalization. There are a number of strategies you can use:

  • You can browse Mathlib in its GitHub repository.

  • You can use the API documentation on the Mathlib web pages.

  • You can rely on Mathlib naming conventions and Ctrl-space completion in the editor to guess a theorem name (or Cmd-space on a Mac keyboard). In Lean, a theorem named A_of_B_of_C establishes something of the form A from hypotheses of the form B and C, where A, B, and C approximate the way we might read the goals out loud. So a theorem establishing something like x + y ... will probably start with add_le. Typing add_le and hitting Ctrl-space will give you some helpful choices. Note that hitting Ctrl-space twice displays more information about the available completions.

  • If you right-click on an existing theorem name in VS Code, the editor will show a menu with the option to jump to the file where the theorem is defined, and you can find similar theorems nearby.

  • You can use the apply? tactic, which tries to find the relevant theorem in the library.

example : 0  a ^ 2 := by
  -- apply?
  exact sq_nonneg a

To try out apply? in this example, delete the exact command and uncomment the previous line. Using these tricks, see if you can find what you need to do the next example:

example (h : a  b) : c - exp b  c - exp a := by

Using the same tricks, confirm that linarith instead of apply? can also finish the job.

Here is another example of an inequality:

example : 2 * a * b  a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
  have h : 0  a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
    a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a - b) ^ 2 := by ring
    _  0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg

    2 * a * b = 2 * a * b + 0 := by ring
    _  2 * a * b + (a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2) := add_le_add (le_refl _) h
    _ = a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by ring

Mathlib tends to put spaces around binary operations like * and ^, but in this example, the more compressed format increases readability. There are a number of things worth noticing. First, an expression s t is definitionally equivalent to t s. In principle, this means one should be able to use them interchangeably. But some of Lean’s automation does not recognize the equivalence, so Mathlib tends to favor over . Second, we have used the ring tactic extensively. It is a real timesaver! Finally, notice that in the second line of the second calc proof, instead of writing by exact add_le_add (le_refl _) h, we can simply write the proof term add_le_add (le_refl _) h.

In fact, the only cleverness in the proof above is figuring out the hypothesis h. Once we have it, the second calculation involves only linear arithmetic, and linarith can handle it:

example : 2 * a * b  a ^ 2 + b ^ 2 := by
  have h : 0  a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2
    a ^ 2 - 2 * a * b + b ^ 2 = (a - b) ^ 2 := by ring
    _  0 := by apply pow_two_nonneg

How nice! We challenge you to use these ideas to prove the following theorem. You can use the theorem abs_le'.mpr. You will also need the constructor tactic to split a conjunction to two goals; see Section 3.4.

example : |a * b|  (a ^ 2 + b ^ 2) / 2 := by

#check abs_le'.mpr

If you managed to solve this, congratulations! You are well on your way to becoming a master formalizer.

2.4. More examples using apply and rw

The min function on the real numbers is uniquely characterized by the following three facts:

#check (min_le_left a b : min a b  a)
#check (min_le_right a b : min a b  b)
#check (le_min : c  a  c  b  c  min a b)

Can you guess the names of the theorems that characterize max in a similar way?

Notice that we have to apply min to a pair of arguments a and b by writing min a b rather than min (a, b). Formally, min is a function of type . When we write a type like this with multiple arrows, the convention is that the implicit parentheses associate to the right, so the type is interpreted as (ℝ ℝ). The net effect is that if a and b have type then min a has type and min a b has type , so min acts like a function of two arguments, as we expect. Handling multiple arguments in this way is known as currying, after the logician Haskell Curry.

The order of operations in Lean can also take some getting used to. Function application binds tighter than infix operations, so the expression min a b + c is interpreted as (min a b) + c. With time, these conventions will become second nature.

Using the theorem le_antisymm, we can show that two real numbers are equal if each is less than or equal to the other. Using this and the facts above, we can show that min is commutative:

example : min a b = min b a := by
  apply le_antisymm
  · show min a b  min b a
    apply le_min
    · apply min_le_right
    apply min_le_left
  · show min b a  min a b
    apply le_min
    · apply min_le_right
    apply min_le_left

Here we have used dots to separate proofs of different goals. Our usage is inconsistent: at the outer level, we use dots and indentation for both goals, whereas for the nested proofs, we use dots only until a single goal remains. Both conventions are reasonable and useful. We also use the show tactic to structure the proof and indicate what is being proved in each block. The proof still works without the show commands, but using them makes the proof easier to read and maintain.

It may bother you that the proof is repetitive. To foreshadow skills you will learn later on, we note that one way to avoid the repetition is to state a local lemma and then use it:

example : min a b = min b a := by
  have h :  x y : , min x y  min y x := by
    intro x y
    apply le_min
    apply min_le_right
    apply min_le_left
  apply le_antisymm
  apply h
  apply h

We will say more about the universal quantifier in Section 3.1, but suffice it to say here that the hypothesis h says that the desired inequality holds for any x and y, and the intro tactic introduces an arbitrary x and y to establish the conclusion. The first apply after le_antisymm implicitly uses h a b, whereas the second one uses h b a.

Another solution is to use the repeat tactic, which applies a tactic (or a block) as many times as it can.

example : min a b = min b a := by
  apply le_antisymm
    apply le_min
    apply min_le_right
    apply min_le_left

We encourage you to prove the following as exercises. You can use either of the tricks just described to shorten the first.

example : max a b = max b a := by
example : min (min a b) c = min a (min b c) := by

Of course, you are welcome to prove the associativity of max as well.

It is an interesting fact that min distributes over max the way that multiplication distributes over addition, and vice-versa. In other words, on the real numbers, we have the identity min a (max b c) = max (min a b) (min a c) as well as the corresponding version with max and min switched. But in the next section we will see that this does not follow from the transitivity and reflexivity of and the characterizing properties of min and max enumerated above. We need to use the fact that on the real numbers is a total order, which is to say, it satisfies x y, x y y x. Here the disjunction symbol, , represents “or”. In the first case, we have min x y = x, and in the second case, we have min x y = y. We will learn how to reason by cases in Section 3.5, but for now we will stick to examples that don’t require the case split.

Here is one such example:

theorem aux : min a b + c  min (a + c) (b + c) := by
example : min a b + c = min (a + c) (b + c) := by

It is clear that aux provides one of the two inequalities needed to prove the equality, but applying it to suitable values yields the other direction as well. As a hint, you can use the theorem add_neg_cancel_right and the linarith tactic.

Lean’s naming convention is made manifest in the library’s name for the triangle inequality:

#check (abs_add :  a b : , |a + b|  |a| + |b|)

Use it to prove the following variant, using also add_sub_cancel_right:

example : |a| - |b|  |a - b| :=

See if you can do this in three lines or less. You can use the theorem sub_add_cancel.

Another important relation that we will make use of in the sections to come is the divisibility relation on the natural numbers, x y. Be careful: the divisibility symbol is not the ordinary bar on your keyboard. Rather, it is a unicode character obtained by typing \| in VS Code. By convention, Mathlib uses dvd to refer to it in theorem names.

example (h₀ : x  y) (h₁ : y  z) : x  z :=
  dvd_trans h₀ h₁

example : x  y * x * z := by
  apply dvd_mul_of_dvd_left
  apply dvd_mul_left

example : x  x ^ 2 := by
  apply dvd_mul_left

In the last example, the exponent is a natural number, and applying dvd_mul_left forces Lean to expand the definition of x^2 to x^1 * x. See if you can guess the names of the theorems you need to prove the following:

example (h : x  w) : x  y * (x * z) + x ^ 2 + w ^ 2 := by

With respect to divisibility, the greatest common divisor, gcd, and least common multiple, lcm, are analogous to min and max. Since every number divides 0, 0 is really the greatest element with respect to divisibility:

variable (m n : )

#check (Nat.gcd_zero_right n : Nat.gcd n 0 = n)
#check (Nat.gcd_zero_left n : Nat.gcd 0 n = n)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_right n : Nat.lcm n 0 = 0)
#check (Nat.lcm_zero_left n : Nat.lcm 0 n = 0)

See if you can guess the names of the theorems you will need to prove the following:

example : Nat.gcd m n = Nat.gcd n m := by

Hint: you can use dvd_antisymm, but if you do, Lean will complain that the expression is ambiguous between the generic theorem and the version Nat.dvd_antisymm, the one specifically for the natural numbers. You can use _root_.dvd_antisymm to specify the generic one; either one will work.

2.5. Proving Facts about Algebraic Structures

In Section 2.2, we saw that many common identities governing the real numbers hold in more general classes of algebraic structures, such as commutative rings. We can use any axioms we want to describe an algebraic structure, not just equations. For example, a partial order consists of a set with a binary relation that is reflexive, transitive, and antisymmetric. like on the real numbers. Lean knows about partial orders:

variable {α : Type*} [PartialOrder α]
variable (x y z : α)

#check x  y
#check (le_refl x : x  x)
#check (le_trans : x  y  y  z  x  z)
#check (le_antisymm : x  y  y  x  x = y)

Here we are adopting the Mathlib convention of using letters like α, β, and γ (entered as \a, \b, and \g) for arbitrary types. The library often uses letters like R and G for the carriers of algebraic structures like rings and groups, respectively, but in general Greek letters are used for types, especially when there is little or no structure associated with them.

Associated to any partial order, , there is also a strict partial order, <, which acts somewhat like < on the real numbers. Saying that x is less than y in this order is equivalent to saying that it is less-than-or-equal to y and not equal to y.

#check x < y
#check (lt_irrefl x : ¬ (x < x))
#check (lt_trans : x < y  y < z  x < z)
#check (lt_of_le_of_lt : x  y  y < z  x < z)
#check (lt_of_lt_of_le : x < y  y  z  x < z)

example : x < y  x  y  x  y :=

In this example, the symbol stands for “and,” the symbol ¬ stands for “not,” and x y abbreviates ¬ (x = y). In Chapter 3, you will learn how to use these logical connectives to prove that < has the properties indicated.

A lattice is a structure that extends a partial order with operations and that are analogous to min and max on the real numbers:

variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (x y z : α)

#check x  y
#check (inf_le_left : x  y  x)
#check (inf_le_right : x  y  y)
#check (le_inf : z  x  z  y  z  x  y)
#check x  y
#check (le_sup_left : x  x  y)
#check (le_sup_right : y  x  y)
#check (sup_le : x  z  y  z  x  y  z)

The characterizations of and justify calling them the greatest lower bound and least upper bound, respectively. You can type them in VS code using \glb and \lub. The symbols are also often called then infimum and the supremum, and Mathlib refers to them as inf and sup in theorem names. To further complicate matters, they are also often called meet and join. Therefore, if you work with lattices, you have to keep the following dictionary in mind:

  • is the greatest lower bound, infimum, or meet.

  • is the least upper bound, supremum, or join.

Some instances of lattices include:

  • min and max on any total order, such as the integers or real numbers with

  • and on the collection of subsets of some domain, with the ordering

  • and on boolean truth values, with ordering x y if either x is false or y is true

  • gcd and lcm on the natural numbers (or positive natural numbers), with the divisibility ordering,

  • the collection of linear subspaces of a vector space, where the greatest lower bound is given by the intersection, the least upper bound is given by the sum of the two spaces, and the ordering is inclusion

  • the collection of topologies on a set (or, in Lean, a type), where the greatest lower bound of two topologies consists of the topology that is generated by their union, the least upper bound is their intersection, and the ordering is reverse inclusion

You can check that, as with min / max and gcd / lcm, you can prove the commutativity and associativity of the infimum and supremum using only their characterizing axioms, together with le_refl and le_trans.

Using apply le_trans when seeing a goal x z is not a great idea. Indeed Lean has no way to guess which intermediate element y we want to use. So apply le_trans produces three goals that look like x ?a, ?a z and α where ?a (probably with a more complicated auto-generated name) stands for the mysterious y. The last goal, with type α, is to provide the value of y. It comes lasts because Lean hopes to automatically infer it from the proof of the first goal x ?a. In order to avoid this unappealing situation, you can use the calc tactic to explicitly provide y. Alternatively, you can use the trans tactic which takes y as an argument and produces the expected goals x y and y z. Of course you can also avoid this issue by providing directly a full proof such as exact le_trans inf_le_left inf_le_right, but this requires a lot more planning.

example : x  y = y  x := by

example : x  y  z = x  (y  z) := by

example : x  y = y  x := by

example : x  y  z = x  (y  z) := by

You can find these theorems in the Mathlib as inf_comm, inf_assoc, sup_comm, and sup_assoc, respectively.

Another good exercise is to prove the absorption laws using only those axioms:

theorem absorb1 : x  (x  y) = x := by

theorem absorb2 : x  x  y = x := by

These can be found in Mathlib with the names inf_sup_self and sup_inf_self.

A lattice that satisfies the additional identities x (y z) = (x y) (x z) and x (y z) = (x y) (x z) is called a distributive lattice. Lean knows about these too:

variable {α : Type*} [DistribLattice α]
variable (x y z : α)

#check (inf_sup_left x y z : x  (y  z) = x  y  x  z)
#check (inf_sup_right x y z : (x  y)  z = x  z  y  z)
#check (sup_inf_left x y z : x  y  z = (x  y)  (x  z))
#check (sup_inf_right x y z : x  y  z = (x  z)  (y  z))

The left and right versions are easily shown to be equivalent, given the commutativity of and . It is a good exercise to show that not every lattice is distributive by providing an explicit description of a nondistributive lattice with finitely many elements. It is also a good exercise to show that in any lattice, either distributivity law implies the other:

variable {α : Type*} [Lattice α]
variable (a b c : α)

example (h :  x y z : α, x  (y  z) = x  y  x  z) : a  b  c = (a  b)  (a  c) := by

example (h :  x y z : α, x  y  z = (x  y)  (x  z)) : a  (b  c) = a  b  a  c := by

It is possible to combine axiomatic structures into larger ones. For example, a strict ordered ring consists of a commutative ring together with a partial order on the carrier satisfying additional axioms that say that the ring operations are compatible with the order:

variable {R : Type*} [StrictOrderedRing R]
variable (a b c : R)

#check (add_le_add_left : a  b   c, c + a  c + b)
#check (mul_pos : 0 < a  0 < b  0 < a * b)

Chapter 3 will provide the means to derive the following from mul_pos and the definition of <:

#check (mul_nonneg : 0  a  0  b  0  a * b)

It is then an extended exercise to show that many common facts used to reason about arithmetic and the ordering on the real numbers hold generically for any ordered ring. Here are a couple of examples you can try, using only properties of rings, partial orders, and the facts enumerated in the last two examples:

example (h : a  b) : 0  b - a := by

example (h: 0  b - a) : a  b := by

example (h : a  b) (h' : 0  c) : a * c  b * c := by

Finally, here is one last example. A metric space consists of a set equipped with a notion of distance, dist x y, mapping any pair of elements to a real number. The distance function is assumed to satisfy the following axioms:

variable {X : Type*} [MetricSpace X]
variable (x y z : X)

#check (dist_self x : dist x x = 0)
#check (dist_comm x y : dist x y = dist y x)
#check (dist_triangle x y z : dist x z  dist x y + dist y z)

Having mastered this section, you can show that it follows from these axioms that distances are always nonnegative:

example (x y : X) : 0  dist x y := by

We recommend making use of the theorem nonneg_of_mul_nonneg_left. As you may have guessed, this theorem is called dist_nonneg in Mathlib.